Genetics and Your Health

Genetics/DNA is the new frontier in the healthcare industry. Scientists and health care providers are looking at genetics/DNA as the “Holy Grail” for the possibility of curing all ailments and relieving symptoms of most issues; including cancer, heart disease, anxiety, depression, brain chemistry, mood swings and energy fluctuations.

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Recipes and Home Cooking

Cooking at home has become more popular due to the pandemic. While this can provide the opportunity to prepare and eat healthier foods, many people are preparing comfort foods that make them feel better emotionally but usually cause inflammation and lack the vital nutrients needed to stay healthy.

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Why does it take longer to heal as I get older?

As we age, our bodies become less adaptable. Poor diet, lack of sleep, inadequate exercise, mental/emotional and physical stress all contribute to health issues. When you add the complexities of toxic overload and our genetic makeup, our body loses its ability to function properly.



At Concepts For Health, we work with patients in a comfortable and supportive environment. We utilize alternative techniques and therapies combined with scientific testing and technology to help our patients achieve increased health. We work with our patients as a team, making it easier for them to have success and enabling them to have a long, energetic and happy life.

What people say

I would like to thank you for all you have done for me and my baby girl…I must say, the entire pregnancy was the best I had ever felt in my life. I had tons of energy, my complexion was excellent, I did not have back pain, and I only gained 19 pounds.

I was diagnosed with Fibro Myalgia, a disorder related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Through the years I have seen a number of doctors and have experienced many treatments…NONE of these possible remedies helped for any period of time. I have seen Dr. Capperauld now for 6 months and I can’t explain how free I feel.

For 13 years I have had chronic bleeding from ulcerative colitis. In two weeks, by following your guidance, advice, and taking the supplements provided by you, my bleeding stopped….my energy level has begun reaching back in time to that once available boundless energy of 15 years ago.



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